Azalina's Sauce Collection
These sauces have take away the heavy lifting, and simply allow making dishes with delicous real Malaysian flavors!!

Pandan Kaya - YUM!!
When you decide to bake a sweet treat at home, don't forget the possiblities with Azalina's Pandan Kaya!!

Super simple - Sambal Butter
heavy cream, Azalina's sambal and shake, and shake and shake -- don't give up -- because the result if delictibly smooth spice that you can use on any dish to replace oil or regular butter. Sphagetti, toast(try it), fried egg, all with a backgroud flavorful heat!! So good!!

Hokkien Mee Noodles
With Azalina's Hokkine Mee Sauce (VEGAN) it's very simple to grab some noodles, tofu, shrimp or other protien and some fresh veg and herbs and put to gether fast easy meal that will impress!!